House & Garden Cocos A&B is a two part base nutrient formulated for gardeners using a medium of 40% or more coco substrate. Cocos A&B’s is revolutionary in its formulation, our nutrients are made of an entirely new composition, structure and method of preparation using only food and pharmaceutical grade ingredients.
H&G Cocos base nutrients are produced from 100% liquid base elements, not powders. Combined with our state of the art mixing process this ensures Cocos A&B is the cleanest most concentrated base nutrient on the market. H&G is manufactured in a unique production facility in California; ensuring perfect consistency with every single batch.
When preparing your nutrient container, fill it two thirds with water. First add part A of the nutrient and circulate well before adding part B of the nutrient. Start off in the growth cycle with an EC 1.2, increase following the grow schedule until the end of bloom and finish with an EC of around 2.0. Add any root growth stimulators or flowering stimulators at this point then top up the container to the desired level.
Adjust the pH value to harmonise with the nutrient solution. Do not add A&B at the same time, as this will trigger a chemical reaction in the nutrient, resulting in solidification of some parts of the nutrient and causing incomplete nourishment for your plants. Also this could cause some blockages in irrigation piping.